Mark: 4
Grade: D
Comments on Statement of Intent:
There are some interesting ideas here and you’ve
clearly thought about aspects of the show. However, as a statement of intent it
needs some organisation and quite a lot more detail to reach the top levels.
For a start, no title or introductory elements.
Also, your narrative isn’t clear. How does it fit the crime genre?
Use bullet points, subheadings or similar to
organise your ideas into sections. This is just a massive lump of text!
You have mentioned some aspects of media
language (e.g. mise-en-scene) but I want to see much more. Planned camera shots,
sound, editing. You need to be specific. Choose shots with real
significance/connotations that tell the audience a lot about your
Audience – is 16-30 a family audience?
You need more theory in the statement – or
perhaps just develop the theory you’ve got. For example, I don’t understand
your application of Baudrillard.
Representation and stereotypes a major missing
factor. This needs a specific section, some theory and real detail.
Culture magazine planning is completely missing
– this is half the coursework brief!
You need to address digital convergence too –
it’s in the mark scheme.
Next steps:
Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2
coursework blog with the title ‘Statement of Intent feedback and learner
As your learner response, pick out the three
improvements/changes you need to make to your Statement of Intent.
Re-draft your statement of intent using
Microsoft Word.
What I will do:
- Add in information about the magazine
- Change the target audience to 12+
- Add in more theory into the statement of intent