Technical codes:
- Use of parallel and diegetic music and sound
- Formal Costume
- West seems more luxurious
- 80s fashion
- Nostalgia
- Younger generations dressed more casual
- Pop music played
- Similarities between East and West
- Close family bonds
- East values family relationships
- Martin being shown as poor but happy
- Nescafe coffee seen differently between the East and the West
- House structures are very different
- Formal wear and atmosphere in the West BBQ scene
- Lack of male hierarchical dominance in east
- Gender stereotypes or accurate gender representations for the time
Scene 2- Supermarket scene:
Technical codes:
- Jeans, red puma top and trainers (80s feel)
- Branded clothes
- Colourful
- Colour coordinated shelves
- Implies life in the west is brighter & more colourful
- Supermarkets don't typically look like this
- Pop art feel leads to a post modern link
- Maybe too much to make look believable
Audio codes:
- Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics playing in supermarket
- Fast paced, high tension music when Martin tries to escape
- Sweet Dreams reflect Martins thoughts
- English song, West is more Americanised
- Bonn vs East side
- 'True luxury of the West is that no one pays attention to you'
- 'What does Annette want?' which implies women just want husband, apartment and car
- Martin vs authority
- Police shown eating ice cream (very American)
Audience pleasures:
- Nostalgia (music)
- Visually pleasing due to the number of colours
- Diversion ( running away scene)
- Nostalgia (Shop fronts)
Scene 3- Training montage:
Technical codes:
- The way the montage is editted, not all is included
- Martin is now in danger of gettig caught
- Fast paced editing to build tension and pace
- Use of split screen to make audiences have to concentrate in more than one place which makes it seem more tense
- Jumpcuts throughout
- Wipes are used to trasition
- Post modern style of editing
- Lots of camera shots through things which gives it a spy feeling
Audio codes:
- Narration
- 80s song (sweet dreams)
- Non Diagetic and parallel
- Music sets the scenes pace
- Sound effects used
Audience pleasures:
- Nostalgia (the song)
- Recognising areas or evets
- James Bond link
- Diversion the quick pace edits ad cuts
- James Bond
- Coming of age makeover scenes
- Similar to Rocky training montage
Scene 4- Briefcase scene:
Technical codes:
- Close up shots
- Signatures on files (Reagan's)
- US stamp close up
- Opening briefcase shot
- Jump cuts throughout
- Fast and stylistic editig
Audio codes:
- Non diegetic music
- Creates tension
- Breathing exaggerated
- Sound effects used
Audience pleasures:
- Diversion (fast pace editig makes audiences feel on the edge)
- Audiences don't wathim to get hurt
- Personal relationship (want Martin to take the pictures and make it out alive
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